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Client Intake Form

I am the queen of consultations and preparedness! My goal is to gather enough information so I can give you an exact price and time quote needed to hit your hair desires. I want to make sure that I have a clear idea of what your current hair state is and where you want to go with it so we can play your hair journey together. I get it, it's a lot of questions, but these key questions help me and you understand exactly what I need to do to achieve the hair you've been dreaming of. Once I have a clear idea of how to get you there, I'll respond in 24-48 hours through EMAIL with a quote suited for you and get you booked in one click!

Basic Information
Here are a couple of key questions to start getting to know you a bit better.
Are you a new or returning client?
How would you describe your hair?
Do you currently have any scalp issues?

Hair Care and Routines

Let's get to know more about your haircare regimens!

How often are you going back to the salon for maintenance?
How do you feel about your maintenance schedule?
How much time can you commit to your hair color sessions?
Which is most important to you?
What is your 3 month budget for your hair needs? Take into consideration your initial service, maintenance services, and product purchases.
I currently work Tuesday & Thursday 11am-7pm, and Wednesday & Fridays 11-5, will that work for your schedule?
What type of experience are you looking for?

Services Desired:
What services are you interested in receiving?

Whathair services do you need?
If desiring a cut.
If desiring a color.
If desiring extensions.
Extension Questions:
If you are not interested in extensions please skip this section
Have you even had exstension before or are you currently wearing them
Hair Color History:
Below I'll be going to ask some questions to get to know your hair a little better! Please be as descriptive as possible. If you are just looking for a cut, please skip this section.
Your last hair color appointment was?
Picture Uploads
It's critical for me to see what your hair looks like and the pictures you're striving for! Please take photos in natural light, away from direct sunlight. Remember, this is for me to get an idea of what your hair looks like, please no filters to far away photos with friends.
Please Upload 3 photos of your hair- Front, Side, and Back
Upload File
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Please Upload 3 Inspiration photos to show the colors, length, and/or dimensions you're going for.
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I understand by submitting this form, it does not gaurantee an appointment. I understand that by submitting this form I will receive general information based on the answers I provide, and may require an in person consultaion for a fee to discuss more indepth questions. I understand that intial costs can vary greatly depending on my current hair, goal hair, and desired results. I understand that quotes given may not be the total amount after services are actually rendered, and some services may require a non-refundable retainer to secure and appointment. I agree that I am over 18, or if I'm under 18, that I've had a legal gaurdian review, sign, and submit this for on my behalf.

Thanks for submitting! You will receive a reply via email within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday

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